šŸ¦„ SVN: The First Edition

Hello my sweet, gorgeous people!

Happy last week of Q1 and welcome to the first edition of Silly Valley News. This is something Iā€™ve wanted to do for a while, and Iā€™m stoked to finally get it out there! This is going to be a weekly newsletter that will hit your inboxes every Monday. Silly Valley News will be quick, digestible, skim-able tidbits to make you a slightly more informed human. Like everything I do, this will be a work-in-progress, and Iā€™ll be reading/listening to feedback (just reply to this email). Anyway, without further adieuā€¦ Silly Valley News.

The Silly Valley

  • šŸ“ˆ Reddit crushed its IPO last week, despite exactly zero years of profitability in its 19 years of existence (it lost $91M last year which was good by their standards). Trading opened at $34 per share and rose to $50.44 before settling in at around $46 by weekā€™s end. But not everyone was happy, in particular Redditā€™s users who are worried about the siteā€™s future now that they are corporate sellouts publicly traded. Shareholders, eh? Either way, the strong performance suggests the waters are once again warm for tech IPOs (and our RSUs).

    Diamond hands or nah? Photo Credit: AFP via Getty Images

  • šŸ¤– Apparently AI is coming for Software Engineers first. AI might not be able to replace salespeople (yet), but itā€™s well on its way to replacing the nerds (a.k.a. the Software Engineers who think salespeople are a bunch of toxic, alcoholic idiotsā€¦ kinda accurate, but still). Cognition AI launched from stealth last week with the worldā€™s first fully autonomous AI software engineer - ā€œDevinā€. With $21M in funding from the likes of Co-founder Tony Xu, and Bond Villain Peter Thiel, ā€œDevinā€ can ship entire web projects end to end. ā€œDevinā€ has the potential to replace some junior developer roles. Good thing no one needs an entry level job to build a foundation for their careerā€¦ or wait.

    Ominous AF presentation. Photo Credit: Cognition Labs

  • ā° TikTok finna be banned for real? Congress passed a bill to ban TikTok because the Chinese government is allegedly using it as a way to spy on, divide, and make Americans dumber. If the bill passes the Senate, TikTokā€™s parent company, ByteDance, will be forced to sell it to an American company if they want people to keep doom-scrolling. Potential buyers include Steven Mnuchin and Mr. Wonderful from Shark Tank. This is likely to be a long battle, so be sure to keep smanging and sharing in the meantime.

    LOL. Iā€™m sure it did. Photo Credit: Greg Nash

Outside the Silly Valley Bubble

  • āš¾ Even if you donā€™t give an F about baseball, this Shohei Ohtani gambling scandal is juicy. For context, Shohei plays for the LA Dodgers and heā€™s one of the best pitchers AND hitters in the Majors. Thatā€™s like being the best salesperson AND developer at your company. He also just signed the largest contract in sports history with a 10 year, $700M deal. However last week, word got out that Shoheiā€™s interpreter was in $5M of gambling debtā€¦and, being the good guy he is, Shohei (apparently) paid off his friendā€™s bookie for him. Then the law firm representing Shohei claimed that he was instead the victim of a ā€œmassive theftā€ at the hands of his interpreter. Now thereā€™s an FBI investigation. I think the smart play by Shohei would be to hold off on hiring a new interpreter so he doesnā€™t have to answer any questions about it. Foolproof.

    Shohei and his interpreter Photo Credit: Kyodo News/Getty Images

  • šŸ  Will people actually be able to buy homes again? The National Association of Realtors agreed to settle a series of lawsuits that will likely slash realtor fees from the standard 6% to somewhere closer to 1% - 3% and experts say the expected savings could trigger one of the biggest jolts in the housing market in 100 years. On top of that, the Fed is planning on lowering interest rates before the end of the year. Weā€™ll have to see if these changes are enoughā€¦.

  • Americanā€™s Credit Card debt has soared 17% over the past year and total household debt is now the highest ever at over $17 trillion. Not tight! But also quite literally too tight! Financial experts say the problem is my wifeā€™s addiction to Amazon prime.

Sales Tip/Fact of the Week

92% of salespeople give up after four 'no's', but 80% of prospects say 'no' four times before they say 'yes'.

(Unfortunately 79% of those yesā€™s are just prospects trying a new strategy to get you off the phone.)

Last Weekā€™s ā€˜Tent

  • Whatā€™s your companyā€™s MAT/PAT leave? I asked and you answered. While we havenā€™t poured through all of the data quite yet, the best plans in the U.S. appear to be Atlassian and AirBnb. Atlassian offers 26 weeks for MAT leave and 20 weeks for PAT leave with full pay and no tenure required. AirBnB offers 24 weeks for MAT and PAT leave with full pay and no tenure required as well. The worst plan? That award goes to SHI, an IT company that offers 0 maternity and paternity leave while loving to brag about their female CEO Thai Lee.

  • March Sadness is BACK! Vote on my story for the best sales team in the world.
